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Fourth Comings - Megan McCafferty On Jessica: I like her more in this one that I did in the third… and I might even like her here more than I did in the first and second books. She’s come a long way from the shallow, snarky, funny girl that she was in Pineville. She falls back to what she was… and still made me laugh, but overall, I enjoyed her thought process:I enjoyed the revelations that shouldn’t have been revelations because a little less of her “me, me, me” thinking would have pointed out how darned obvious some of the things really were. And I know I am of the minority here, but I like her thinking process: long and specific, and going off in tangents… but I agree with a lot of what she thought/said, especially on what she finally thought and said about Marcus. On Marcus: He’s just not that easy to love even when she says say she loved him too easily.3/5