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Broken - A.E. Rought I really should start reading the synopsis of what I read because the fact that BROKEN is based on something else only kicked in when someone mentioned Shelley High. And even that it's based on something else has me wondering if it really is... I should probably go with 'loosely based' because things went the way of Should have, could have, would have all over again:Should have been less about the romance Could have been less repetitive (And were both those true)I would have been more excited about the outcome. The set up: she’s girl-broken and he is boy-mysterious, average enough, right? But then things seemed to be going the right direction when it’s explained why she’s broken: pining over a boy long gone this despite it being a little frustrating because it’s so obvious that’s it’s all about her suffering and her not being able to cope. I think tapping into hot boy suddenly entering the picture is getting old as a means to shakes things up, but that’s precisely what happens here. He’s all scarred but more beautiful for it because hiding from others’ eyes, he’s fails so spectacularly (cos’ he’s so hot and all). And this could have been so much more than a girl standing in front of a boy, saying she loved him… had it simply been just that girl standing in front of a bodiless grave, saying she missed him. I truly believe that had things stuck to where things started, I’d be feeling more than, “Well, that was interesting.” I fear BROKEN is going to be one of the plenty books that I’m doomed to have few fuzzy memories of. The middle was a waste of effort on my part because it was all just the same thing over and and over and over again, and not even touching on what could have been dark or scary! They should have focused on the Frankenstein bit and not the epic romance of her pining over dead boy and being all conflicted over new found feelings for the hot mysterious one. Hmmm, you could even say there’s a love triangle here except one of them's dead! The only part that actually had me excited was once I hit 81% then it was all boom boom boom… and kind of sort of scary… I would have loved this years ago, but with so many other books having passed my brain this one was just OK. 2.5/5Thank you Netgalley