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The Almost Girl by Amalie Howard

The Almost Girl - Amalie Howard

This was up down up for me. So my feelings for this are in the middle. Or may be not? I liked some of it, but (and I’m sorry) I found the bulk of it old hat. Sci-fi world of jumping here to there and back again plus missions being accomplished plus plot twist one then plot twist two then plot twist three. There’s a whole lot of action but not as much heart as I thought that I was going to get.

Mainly, things had a tendency to get obvious. In fact, that title? Major spoiler all its own. But I’m getting ahead of myself: to the good first: the start is solid. You may not know what you’re getting into, but what’s slowly revealed is she’s different. Hell, they’re all different, you just don’t know how or why. Better yet, the lead isn’t just kick ass; she’s kick ass and smart. Little slips establish that she knows stuff and though I didn’t know head/tails nor the rightness/wrongness of what she was saying, it sounded right (believable?) this had her standing out to me a little bit more.

I wish I could dwell on the good, but really... things did get obvious. Not just that title, either; there are all those supposed plot twists ~ which they were not. Anyone could see them coming miles in, even with the little information we’re given to work with … because not much is new. We know she’s from another world. We know she’s Super Soldier and Mad Scientist’s daughter. We know she’s got all these feelings that she’s ignoring; all these feelings, for all these people. Plus there’s this guy! And how all those threads come together? Well, as I was reading it I could tell what was next coming.

So it starts with odd girl/new girl on a mission. Things shift and turn all Terminator ~ which I liked. This shift established just how different she was. I wish I could stop there, but the way other people find themselves in the crosshairs: TOO PAT. There’s more than one too-convenient meeting and making of connections between vital players at just the right moment and in just the right place. Yup, I didn’t love that.

Then there’s the whole other side of things. Now this is where I’m torn: the world itself is, as expected: different. So does the predictability of that turn cancel out the novelty of what’s described? Scorched earth, hybroid this versus android that and all the tech? For me, it sort of did.

I enjoyed some of this, but strangely enough found myself… bored.
Thank You, Net Galley!