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The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, & June - Robin Benway The book is very easy to like. The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May and June contains exactly what its the title says. There’s the eldest, April. She can see the future. Next is May; she turns invisible (What’s not ironic about an invisible girl reading about the Invisible Boy?) Then June. The baby of the three- she reads minds.All these powers are discovered (or rediscovered?) on the first day of school. So to say that it starts when their old life “ends” and new life begins is both convenient… and hilarious. But the title fails to convey just how funny and individual the girls are. April with her overprotective streak, May with her teen angst, i.e. I’m disappearing both figuratively and literally. As well as June’s exuberance… This was what I was expecting when I got started on the Weird Sisters. (And what I said in that review about those sister’s chronological order having an impact on the way they turned out also applies here Weird Sisters . Pigeonholing based on birth. But, anyway...There’s more. After having a vision, April is convinced that she must keep her baby sister away from a certain boy. I stop here. So, yeah, there are boys in it. What YA doesn’t? My one problem is… for both the older sisters, I mean, why does there have to be a boy to help in the saving? That aside, I really enjoyed (a.) May’s caustic humor and (b.) April’s straight forward demeanor when dealing with Julian. June, though? not as much.3.5