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Exit Kingdom - Alden Bell What some mysteries reveal are truths so mundane they blast wide our own ludicrous vanities.Moses Todd is many things. In Reapers I had him pegged as warrior with a code, seeking balance in a way he knew. Here he is that, but more too: from on-and-off violent man to accidental philosopher, a man of few words, deeper thoughts and rigid code. Then, him as brother watching out for brother, and watching as he did, was not at all blind to the younger’s faults (because there are many faults in that one, in both of the actually) He reads a lot like Tom Imura… only better as he’s less preachy instead more questioning… then resigned to what needs be doing.It’s not so complicated if we look on things as he Moses does: people have roles. His just happens to watcher for his brother (Beyond being my brother, he says, I don’t give a damn what you are.) and while not blind to the faults of his brother, Moses tempers things somehow… and it’s this that a bit depressing, in a resigned way he’s just waiting for a reckoning. And seeing things as he does, he also recognizes the roles all have, both good and bad, (I don’t got the answers for everything, he says. Sometimes you do things just cause they need to be done by someone and there ain’t nobody else around.) So were they all just waiting for a reckoning? Or was it as the whore felt, the reckoning had passed and now’s all a matter of surviving. And all the while I’m feeling, ‘Deep thoughts, these people, secreted philosophers disguised as prostitutes and crazy men.’ because the lot of them say the craziest, yet truest things: Now everything’s backwards. You plant life in the earth – call it death if you like – but it gets spit back up. Maybe we’ve fed he earth too much. Maybe it’s lost a taste for us.It’s harder to die than you think. The world, it conspires to keep you alive.You see now? Moses Todd asks. You see? It ain’t about what you think it’s about. All the wandering, and the mad pursuit, all the spinnin cycles of life and death and death and life over and over until you ain’t but a dizzy headed creature roamin the plains. It ain’t about anything but one thing. Drollery. You fights and you create life and you fight and you destroy – and some times in the middle somewhere you happen to love. But it all comes down to ridiculousness.